Understanding Underwriting in Life Insurances
You may have heard the term underwriting in relation to your life insurance. Underwriting sounds serious. And, given why we need to take out life insurance, underwriting is relatively serious. But it is also quite straightforward. This article explains it all.

Understanding Total and Permanent Disability Insurance
Total and permanent disability (TPD) insurance is one of the most important life insurances around. As the name implies, TPD insurance pays you a benefit if you become ill or injured and cannot continue working as you did prior to the illness or injury. In this week’s article, we look into the fundamentals of TPD insurance.

Let’s Talk About Trauma Cover
Many people think that life insurances are limited to death cover, total and permanent disability cover and income protection cover. But there is a fourth kind of life insurance that is often overlooked – but that can be very useful in certain circumstances. You may have heard of trauma cover. As the name suggests, trauma cover […]

How to Make a Life Insurance Claim
Obviously, we hope that none of our clients ever make a claim on their life insurance policy. But, from time to time, claims need to be made. Here is our step-by-step guide to what happens when you make a life insurance claim. We should note that you can ‘DIY’ an insurance claim. However, for most […]

Ways to Lower Your Life Insurance Premiums
Insurance premiums are like a bet you hope you lose. While everybody who has financial dependents (including themselves) who rely on the income they generate should take out insurance, we sincerely hope that you never have to make a claim. Hopefully, you will get to the end of your life and think ‘I never really […]

What is Income Protection Insurance
Income protection/continuance insurance is mandatory for all working persons, and especially important for younger people who have a long working life ahead of them. But you have to make sure its commission free. Insurance commissions are huge: more than 20% of all premiums are paid back to the adviser as a commission, unless you do […]

An important catch of having income protection insurance in your superfund
You may have come across this heart-breaking (and very frustrating) story a few years ago. The story involves a father whose one year old daughter needs a liver transplant. Being so young, the liver does not need to be very big and, thanks to the wonder of our age, she is able to make use of […]

When is it Time to Engage a Financial Adviser
At some point in our lives, whether it is at the start of your career, when you get married, when you want to buy a house or when you have kids, you have to start thinking whether it is worth investing in financial advice. While everyone can benefit from working with a professional adviser, the […]